AI大模型实战篇:AI Agent设计模式 – Plan and Execute
在上篇文章《AI大模型实战篇:AI Agent设计模式 – REWOO》中,风叔结合原理和具体源代码,详细介绍了ReWOO这种非常有效的AI Agent设计模式。
这就是本篇文章风叔将为大家介绍的AI Agent设计模式,Plan-and-Execute。
- 规划器Planner负责让 LLM 生成一个多步计划来完成一个大任务,在书籍运行中,Planner负责第一次生成计划;
- 执行器接收规划中的步骤,并调用一个或多个工具来完成该任务;
- 重规划器Replanner负责根据实际的执行情况和信息反馈来调整计划
- Planner接收来自用户的输入,输出具体的任务清单;
- 将任务清单给到Single-Task Agent,即执行器,执行器会在循环中逐个处理任务;
- 执行器每处理一个任务,就将处理结果和状态同步给Replanner,Replanner一方面会输出反馈给用户,另一方面会更新任务清单;
- 任务清单再次给到执行器进行执行。
第一步 构建执行器
from langchain import hub
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenA
from langgraph.prebuilt import create_react_agent
from import TavilySearchResults
tools = [TavilySearchResults(max_results=3)]# Get the prompt to use – you can modify this!
prompt = hub.pull(“wfh/react-agent-executor”)
prompt.pretty_print()# Choose the LLM that will drive the agent
llm = ChatOpenAI(model=”gpt-4-turbo-preview”)
agent_executor = create_react_agent(llm, tools, messages_modifier=prompt)
第二步 定义系统状态
import operator
from typing import Annotated, List, Tuple, TypedDict
class PlanExecute(TypedDict):
input: str
plan: List[str]
past_steps: Annotated[List[Tuple], operator.add]
response: str
第三步 定义Planner
Planner的主要任务就是接收输入,并输出初始的Task List。
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field
class Plan(BaseModel):
“””Plan to follow in future”””
steps: List[str] = Field(
description=”different steps to follow, should be in sorted order”
)from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
planner_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
“””For the given objective, come up with a simple step by step plan.
This plan should involve individual tasks, that if executed correctly will yield the correct answer. Do not add any superfluous steps.
The result of the final step should be the final answer. Make sure that each step has all the information needed – do not skip steps.”””,
(“placeholder”, “{messages}”),
)planner = planner_prompt | ChatOpenAI(
model=”gpt-4o”, temperature=0
“messages”: [
(“user”, “what is the hometown of the current Australia open winner?”)
第四步 定义Replanner
from typing import Union
class Response(BaseModel):
“””Response to user.”””
response: strclass Act(BaseModel):
“””Action to perform.”””
action: Union[Response, Plan] = Field(
description=”Action to perform. If you want to respond to user, use Response. ”
“If you need to further use tools to get the answer, use Plan.”
)replanner_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
“””For the given objective, come up with a simple step by step plan.
This plan should involve individual tasks, that if executed correctly will yield the correct answer. Do not add any superfluous steps.
The result of the final step should be the final answer. Make sure that each step has all the information needed – do not skip steps.
Your objective was this:
Your original plan was this:
You have currently done the follow steps:
Update your plan accordingly. If no more steps are needed and you can return to the user, then respond with that. Otherwise, fill out the plan. Only add steps to the plan that still NEED to be done. Do not return previously done steps as part of the plan.”””
)replanner = replanner_prompt | ChatOpenAI(
model=”gpt-4o”, temperature=0
第五步 构建流程图
from typing import Literal
async def execute_step(state: PlanExecute):
plan = state[“plan”]
plan_str = “n”.join(f”{i+1}. {step}” for i, step in enumerate(plan))
task = plan[0]
task_formatted = f”””For the following plan: {plan_str}. You are tasked with executing step {1}, {task}.”””
agent_response = await agent_executor.ainvoke(
{“messages”: [(“user”, task_formatted)]}
return {
“past_steps”: (task, agent_response[“messages”][-1].content),
}async def plan_step(state: PlanExecute):
plan = await planner.ainvoke({“messages”: [(“user”, state[“input”])]})
return {“plan”: plan.steps}async def replan_step(state: PlanExecute):
output = await replanner.ainvoke(state)
if isinstance(output.action, Response):
return {“response”: output.action.response}
return {“plan”: output.action.steps}
def should_end(state: PlanExecute) -> Literal[“agent”, “__end__”]:
if “response” in state and state[“response”]:
return “__end__”
return “agent”from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START
workflow = StateGraph(PlanExecute)
# Add the plan node
workflow.add_node(“planner”, plan_step)
# Add the execution step
workflow.add_node(“agent”, execute_step)
# Add a replan node
workflow.add_node(“replan”, replan_step)
workflow.add_edge(START, “planner”)
# From plan we go to agent
workflow.add_edge(“planner”, “agent”)
# From agent, we replan
workflow.add_edge(“agent”, “replan”)
workflow.add_conditional_edges(“replan”, should_end)
app = workflow.compile()
一种有效改进的办法是将每个任务表示为有向无环图DAG,从而实现任务的并行执行。这就是下一篇文章要介绍的AI Agent设计模式,LLM Compiler。
本文由人人都是产品经理作者【风叔】,微信公众号:【风叔云】,原创/授权 发布于人人都是产品经理,未经许可,禁止转载。
题图来自Unsplash,基于 CC0 协议。
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