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Usability / Design Issue Maximum Points Usability / Design Issue Maximum Points
1. Home Page 4. Presentation
Identity and value proposition clear, positive 2 Layout – balance of consistency and variety 1
Compelling content 2 Layout – visual complexity 1
Primary navigation clear and well-placed 2 Layout – Page hierarchy 1
Strong visual affordances 2 Layout – Alignment 1
Speedy download 2 Layout – Grouping 1
2. Navigation Color – for attention 2
Clear, comprehensible structure 6 Color – for grouping 1
Works as an integrated whole 6 Color – for highlighting 1
Each page provides sense of place 6 Graphics – Support brand 1
Supports frequent, common tasks 6 Graphics – Provide content 2
Effective Search design, placement, results 6 Graphics – Support layout 1
3. Content Graphics – Augment navigation 1
Categorization scheme works 6 Typography – Clear type hierarchy 1
Categories are distinct 6 Typography – Legibility 2
Categories are descriptive 2 5. Interaction
Categories are balanced 2 Strong visual affordances for selection 4
Categories promote important content 2 Conventional control behavior 4
Editorial style – copy can be easily scanned 5 Speed of interaction 4
Editorial style – copy in summary / detail format 5 Browser support / technical nuances 1
Prevent errors – format cues, controls, help 1
Appropriate feedback messages 1



  1. 目前还没评论,等你发挥!